Sunday, January 19, 2025

Store Hours

Mon - Fri 8:00 - 6:00
Sat - 8:00 - 5:00
Sun Closed
Voice 940-644-5459
Fax 940-644-5538

New Location
204 S State Hiway 101
Chico, Tx 76431

Tow Service

Chico Auto Parts also does vehicle towing for all vehicle, light and heavy duty, equipment, storage buildings or what ever you may need to have moved. We can serve your needs where ever you may be, as we ever you may be as we have been to the East Coast, the West coast along with the US northern border, and southern tip of Texas. We have hauled old vehicles, sports cars that were 2" off the ground, Ag-equipment, Oil field equipment, industrial belting, electrical transformers, storage buildings, oil derricks, and believe it out not a bridge. So no matter what your needs we will be happy to take of them. Just remember "You Call We Haul"